Written by Mario Piredda, Giovanni Galavotti / Starring Nora Sitassi, Luciano Curreli, Piero Marcialis, Michele Atzori / Produced by Chiara Galloni, Ivan Olgiati
Italy – France 2019 / 97’
V.O. sub. ITA
Anita, a teenager, plays the drums to cover the noise of the world outside her room. After her mother died of leukemia, she lived with her father Jacopo who became ill with the same pathology. The urgent need for a transplant and the fear of losing also her other parent drove the sixteen-year-old girl to contact
her uncle Gaetano, the only potential donor of bone marrow.
Jacopo and Gaetano have not spoken to each other for years and only Anita will be able to convince him to do the necessary tests.
Set in Sardinia, the drama directed by Piredda unveils a polluted and patriarchal land.
The lamb of the title, who is orphan of the mother and does not have many chances of surviving long, is probably
the transposition of the main character, who, on the contrary, is going to fight with all her strength so that life can triumph over death.


Mario Piredda originally from Badessi (near Sassari), he moved to Bologna
after graduating from high school. Here he worked as a free- lance director, cameramen, and editor and graduated from DAMS, the performing arts disciplines department of the university with a focus on the cinema. In 2002 he founded Orfeo TV together with the association ‘Citoyens’, which started the telestreet phenomemon. . In 2005, he won the AVISA (an acronym for ‘visual anthropology in Sardinia’) competition promoted by ISRE and shot a short film titled ‘Il suono della miniera’. He has worked on and contributed to the preparation of many short films, documentaries, video clips and TV reports. In 2010 he directed the short film
‘Io sono qui’, which won the contest for cinema projects called ‘Storie di emigrati sardi’ (stories of Sardinian emigrants). ‘L’agnello’ is his first feature film.

© Chiara Galloni, Ivan Olgiati, 2019