45th edition

44^ edition

43^ edition

42nd edition

41st edition

40th edition


2023 Efebo d’Oro Bertrand Bonello form the movie La Bête / Efebo PerspectivesSteffi Niederzoll for the movie Sieben Winter in Teheran / Efebo d’Oro Lifetime Achievements – Banca Sant’Angelo Wim Wenders / Efebo d’Oro New Languages – Città di Palermo Sylvain George / ANDE Prize Woman in Cinema Steffi Niederzoll for the movie Sieben Winter in Teheran / Special Mention by the Efebo Perspective jury Lina Soualem for the movie Bye Bye Tibériade / Michele Mancini Award Lina Soualem for the movie Bye Bye Tibériade / Non-fiction Award – Nicolò Lomabrdo Emiliano Morreale for the book L’ultima innocenza (Sellerio Editore, 2023)

2022 Efebo d’Oro Glen Panfilov for the movie 100 Minutes: Ivan Denosovich / Efebo PerspectivesMichal Blaško for the movie Obet (Sacrificio) / Efebo d’Oro Lifetime Achievements – Banca Sant’Angelo Silvio Soldini / Efebo d’Oro New Languages – Città di Palermo Tizza Covi and Rainer Frimmel / ANDE Prize Woman in Cinema Marianne Blicher for the movie Miss Viborg / Special Mention by ANDE Palermo Sabrina Sarafi for the movie Niemand ist bei den Kälbern (No One’s With the Calves) / Special Mention by the Efebo d’Oro juryNana Neul for the movie Töchter (Daughters) / Special Prize by the Student jury Marianne Blicher for the movie Miss Viborg EX-EQUO Arthur Harari for the movie Onoda: 10.000 Nights in the Jungle / Special Mention by the Student Jury for the Photography Yuri Ancarano and Mauro Chiarello for the movie Atlantide / Special Mention by the jury Marina Fois fot the interpretation in Ils sont vivants (They are alive) / Cinema Craft Award – Corrado Catania Gaia Bussolati (digital special effects) / Non-fiction Award – Nicolò Lombardo Armando Andria, Alessia Brandoni and Fabrizio Croce for the book “Da una prospettiva eccellente: in dialogo con Antonio Capuano”, Artdigiland

2021 Efebo d’Oro João Botelho per il film O ano da morte de Ricardo Reis / Efebo d’Oro New Languages Constanze Ruhm / Efebo d’Oro Lifetime Achievement Costa-Gavras / Efebo Perspectives Mark Jenkin for the movie Bait / ANDE Prize Women in Cinema Angeliki Antoniou for the movie Green Sea / Special Mention by the jury Efebo Perspectives Chloé Mazlo for the movie Sous le ciel d’Alice / Centro di Ricerca per la Narrativa e il Cinema Ali Ebrahimi for the movie Hot Scent / Special Student Jury Prize Hugo Santa Cruz for the movie My London Lullaby EX-AEQUO Nicolas Maury for the movie Garçon Chiffon / Cinema Crafts Award Gaetano Carito (sound technician) / Non-fiction – Premio Nicolò Lombardo Christian Uva for the book L’ultima spiaggia. Rive e derive del Cinema italiano / Fondazione Curella Prize Ornella Sgroi for the book È la coppia che fa il totale

2020 Efebo d’Oro Christiaan Olwagen per il film Poppie Nongena / Efebo d’Oro New Languages Gianluca Abbate / Efebo d’OroLifetime Achievement Anna Bonaiuto / Efebo Perspectives Laurent Micheli for the movie Lola / ANDE Prize Women in Cinema Nora Stassi, interpreter of the movie L’Agnello by Mario Piredda / Special Mention by the jury Agustina Macri for the movie Soledad / Centro di Ricerca per la Narrativa e il Cinema Prize Luca Lucchesi for the movie A Black Jesus

2019 Efebo d’Oro Haroula Rose for the movie Once Upon a River / Efebo d’Oro Efebo d’Oro New Languages Mike Hoolboom / Efebo d’Oro Lifetime Achievement Fatih Akin / ANDE Prize Women in Cinema Haroula Rose for the movie Once Upon a River / Efebo Perspectives Agnieszka Smoczyńska for the movie Fuga (Fugue) / Cinema Professions Prize Stefania De Santis / Special Mention by the Jury Nicola Bellucci for the movie Il Mangiatore di Pietre / Non-fiction Marco Giusti for the book Polidor e Polidor

2018 Efebo d’Oro Hong Hnh for the movie The Way Station / Efebo d’Oro New Languages Peter Greenaway / Efebo d’Oro Lifetime Achievement Sergio Castellitto and Margaret Mazzantini / ANDE Prize Women in Cinema Marine Francen for the movie Le semeur / Efebo Perspectives Dario Albertini for the movie Manuel / Cinema Professions Prize Ilaria Fraioli / Special Mention by the Jury Francesco Patierno for the movie Diva! / Non-fiction Giannalberto Bendazzi for the book Animation: A World History

2017 Efebo d’Oro Dominique Cabrera per il film Corniche Kennedy / Efebo d’Oro New Languages Yervant Gianikian e Angela Ricci Lucchi / Efebo d’Oro Lifetime Achievement Hanif Kureishi / Efebo Perspectives Tamer Elsaid per il film The Last Days of the City / Special Prize of Students Jury Lola Créton for the interpretation of the movie Corniche Kennedy / Non-fiction Ivelise Perniola for the book Gillo Pontecorvo o del Cinema Necessario

2016Efebo d’Oro Stefano Mordini for the movie Pericle il Nero / Efebo d’Oro Television and New Languages K364: A Journey by Train by Douglas Gordon / Efebo d’Oro Lifetime Achievement Agnés Varda / Non-fiction Gian Piero Brunetta for the book L’isola che non c’è. Viaggi nel cinema italiano che non vedremo mai

2015 Efebo d’Oro Anton Corbijn for th movie La Spia / Efebo d’Oro Lifetime Achievements Angelo Barbagallo / Efebo d’Oro Television and New Languages ex aequo: Alessandro Izzo e Francesca Detti for the web-series Elba, l’eredità di Napoleone – Fabio Pellegrinelli, Marco Pagani, Andrea Fazioli for the web-series Notte Noir / Special Efebo d’Oro New Languages Robert Cahen / Non-fiction Antonio Costa for the book La mela di Cezanne e l’accendino di Hitchcock

2014Efebo d’Oro Francesco Munzi for the movie Anime Nere / Efebo d’Oro Television and New Languages Saverio Costanzo for the TV-series In Treatment / Non-fiction Italo Moscati for the book Eduardo De Filippo: Scavalcamontagne, Cattivo, Genio Consapevole

2013Efebo d’Oro Roberto Andò for the movie Viva la Libertà / Efebo d’Oro Television Graziano Diana for Edda Ciano e il Comunista / Non-fiction Alberto Anile and Maria Gabriella Giannice for the book Operazione Gattopardo – come Visconti trasformò un romanzo di “destra” in un successo di “sinistra”

2012Efebo d’Oro Gianni Amelio for the movie Il Primo Uomo / Television Ninni Panzera for the book Il cinema sopra Taormina

2011Efebo d’Oro Nic Balthazar for the movie Ben X / Efebo d’Oro Television La Donna della Domenica by Giulio Base / Non-fiction Michele Sancisi for the book Walter Chiari, un animale da palcoscenico

2010Efebo d’Oro Pasquale Scimeca for the movie Malavoglia / Television I promessi sposi – Opera moderna by Michele Guardì / Non-fiction Bernardo Bertolucci for the book La mia magnifica ossessione

2009 Cinema Marco Bellocchio for the movie Vincere / Television Artemisia Sanchez by Ambrogio Lo Giudice / Non-fiction Giuseppe Tornatore and Pietro Calabrese for the book Baarìa – Il film della mia vita

2008 Cinema Stefan Ruzowitzky for the movie Il falsario – Operazione Bernhard / Television Antonio Frazzi for the movie Il commissario De Luca / Non-fiction Gabriele Lucci for the book Morricone. Cinema and beyond

2007 Cinema Paolo e Vittorio Taviani for the movie La masseria delle allodole / Television Vittorio Sindoni for the movie Le ragazze di San Frediano / Non-fiction Carlo Lizzani for the book Il mio lungo viaggio nel secolo breve

2006 Cinema Emmanuel Carrère for the movie L’amore sospetto 7 Televisione Massimo Spano for the movie I figli strappati / Non-fiction ex aequo: Lina Wertmüller for the book Arcangela Felice Assunta Job Wertmüller – Vincenzo Mollica for the bok Sophia Loren

2005 Cinema Frédéric Fonteyne for the movie La donna di Gilles / Television Giacomo Battiato for the movie Karol / Non-fictionSebastiano Mondadori for the book La commedia umana. Conversazioni con Monicelli

2004 Cinema Walter Salles for the movie I diari della motocicletta / Televisione Maurizio Zaccaro the movie Al di là delle frontiere / Non-fiction Gianni Amelio fpr the book Il vizio del cinema

2003 Cinema Gabriele Salvatores for the movie Io non ho paura / Television Fabrizio Costa for the movie La cittadella / Non-fiction Antonio Monda for the book La magnifica illusione: viaggio nel cinema americano

2002 Cinema Richard Eyre for the movie Iris – Un amore vero / Television Piccolo mondo antico by Cinzia TH Torrini / Non-fiction Guido Fink for the book Non solo Woody Allen

2001 Cinema Bernard Rapp for the movie Un affare di gusto / Television Nanà by Alberto Negrin / Non-fiction Tullio Kezich and Alessandra Levantesi for the book Dino De Laurentiis, la vita e i film

2000 Cinema Manoel de Oliveira for the movie La lettera / Television Alberto Sironi for the tv-series Il commissario Montalbano / Non-fiction ex aequo: Angelo Scandurra for the book Comincio a capire – Tra le quinte di Stromboli by Centro Studi Eoliani

1999 Cinema Giuseppe Tornatore for the movie La leggenda del pianista sull’oceano / Television Il compagno by Francesco Maselli / Non-fiction ex aequo: Ugo Pirro for the book Soltanto un nome nei titoli di testa – Ettore Giannini di Valerio Caprara for the book Spettabile pubblico. Carosello napoletano

1998 Cinema Brian Gilbert for the movie Wilde / Television Jean-Daniel Verhaeghe for the movie Rosso e nero / Non-fiction Maria Grazia Bevilacqua for the book Con Garbo

1997 Cinema Danny Boyle for the movie Trainspotting / Non-fiction Guido Vergani and Caterina D’Amico for the book Piero Tosi: costumi e scenografie

1996 Cinema Claude Lelouch for the movie I miserabili / Non-fiction Enzo Zappulla and Sarah Muscarà for the book Martoglio cineasta

1995 Cinema Michele Placido for the movie Un eroe borghese / Non-fiction Carlo Di Carlo and Giorgio Tinazzi for the book Antonioni: fare un film è per me vivere

1994 Cinema Jim Sheridan for the movie Nel nome del padre / Non-fiction Lino Micciché for the book La terra trema di Luchino Visconti, analisi di un capolavoro

1993 Cinema Roberto Faenza for the movie Jona che visse nella balena / TelevisionColpo di coda by José María Sánchez / Non-fiction Sebastiano Gesù for the Trilogy about Sciascia

1992 Cinema Alain Corneau for the movie Tutte le mattine del mondo / Television La storia spezzata by Andrea and Antonio Frazzi / Non-fiction Laura Betti and Michele Gulinucci for the book Pier Paolo Pasolini: le regole dell’illusione

1991 Cinema Ettore Scola for the movie Il viaggio di Capitan Fracassa / Television Cellini, una vita scellerata by Giacomo Battiato / Non-fiction Fernaldo Di Giammatteo for the book Rossellini

1990 Cinema Jerry Schatzberg for the movie L’amico ritrovato / Non-fiction Gian Piero Brunetta for the book Buio in sala

1989 Cinema Marco Risi for the movie Mery per sempre / Television Una donna spezzata by Marco Leto / Non-ficiton Goffredo Fofi, Morando Morandini and Gianni Volpi for the book Storia del cinema

1988 Cinema Giuseppe Bertolucci for the movie Strana la vita / Television Sandro Bolchi fir the movie La coscienza di Zeno / Non-ficiton ex aequo: Vito Attolini fior the book Dal romanzo al set – Franco La Polla fir the book Sogno e realtà americana nel cinema di Hollywood

1987 Cinema Francesco Rosi for the movie Cronaca di una morte annunciata / Television Lo scialo by Franco Rossi / Non-fiction Bernard Chardère for the book I Lumière

1986 Cinema Héctor Babenco for the movie Il bacio della donna ragno / Television Teresa Raquin by Giancarlo Cobelli / Non-ficiotn Luciano De Giusti for the book I film di Luchino Visconti

1985 Cinema André Delvaux for the movie Benvenuta / Television Notti e nebbie by Marco Tullio Giordana / Non-fiction Francesco Bolzoni for the book Quando De Sica era mister Brown

1984 Cinema François Truffaut for the movie Finalmente domenica! / Television La bella Otero by José María Sánchez / Non-fiction Carlo Grossini for the book Cinema e follia

1983 Cinema Marco Ferreri for the movie Storia di Piera / Television Marco Polo by Giuliano Montaldo / Non-ficiton Aldo Bernardini for the book Cinema muto italiano

1982 István Szabó for the movie Mephisto

1981Ettore Scola for the movie Passione d’amore

1980Florestano Vancini for the movie Un dramma borghese

1979Mario Monicelli for the movie Un borghese piccolo piccolo – Dino Risi for the movie La stanza del vescovo



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